Resource Type
Technology / CodePipelineTechnology
Resource Name

CATALYST R/Bioconductor package

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The R/Bioconductor package implements several data processing steps for the bead-based compensation method to semi-automate spillover correction in mass cytometry (see details in Assay). First, the FCS file containing data on the bead sample is deconvoluted to identify the individual single-antibody-positive bead populations using a new R implementation of the debarcoding algorithm from Zunder et al. 2015. Then the spillover matrix is calculated based on the spillover observed for single-stained populations. Finally, the calculated compensation matrix is applied to the bead and cell samples to remove interfering signals. There is also a Shiny web application to provide an even friendlier user interface to the data processing pipeline.
Bernd BodenmillerUniversity of ZurichCBDS Contact
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Bernd Bodenmiller
